Revenue Calculator

Can I REALLY Double YOUR Revenue in the Next 3-12 Months?

As a small business owner, you are in business for one reason: to make money.

Of course, there are other reasons you started or purchased your company. You may love the product you sell, or service you provide. You may love the challenge of turning a floundering company into a great success. You may just love being your own boss.

Naturally, this all means nothing if you are not generating enough income to support yourself and your family, as well as the people who work for you.

Nearly all businesses make money. Unless not a single product or service is sold, there is always money coming in. But there is also always money going out. Supplies, wages, marketing, acquisitions and operations all contribute to the expense of just staying in business.

In business, you will find that everyone wants to make more money. They want to increase their sales, get more money coming in. So, how do you do it?

Number of Leads

The total number of New Leads generated by your marketing (i.e. potential new Clients you have contacted).

Conversion Rate (of the New Leads generated)

The percentage of Leads that become Clients. For example, if 100 leads produced 20 clients, your conversion rate is 20%.

Average Number of Transactions per Client

The average number of times (averaged across all Clients) that your Clients buy from you in the period in question. (Example: 1 per month for 1 year = 12 Transactions in the year)

Average Sale Value

The average amount of money you receive for each sale

By using the calculator below, you are able to see the power behind a simple tweak in any of these numbers.

Imagine we could increase each of these areas by 30%!

Give the Revenue Calculator a spin!


Current Monthly Revenue -
30% Increase in Leads Alone 30% Increase in Leads and Conversion Rate 30% Increase in All Areas
Predicted Monthly Revenue
Current Annual Revenue -
Predicted Annual Revenue
Additional Annual Revenue

Seems realistic, right? It looks doable?
I’m not blowing you out of the water with these numbers, am I?

Great – so I bet your next question is how do I make those tweaks?

Well, that’s a great question. There’s about 1000 things you can do from a marketing perspective in order to hit these numbers, but the reality is, until we dive into your business, see what you’re doing, understand your goals, see what you’ve already tried, look at your competition, assess the services you offer, and look at your market, I wouldn’t feel comfortable giving you a recommendation and telling you where to spend your money without really doing a thorough analysis. And frankly, it would be irresponsible of me to quote you something right now. I don’t know enough about your business.

If I can be honest, I just think you need a plan - some kind of system in place to help you run your business in the background so you can concentrate on getting jobs done.

If you’re serious about growing your business, the next thing I would recommend is to ...

Schedule a meeting

This is where we really dive into all those areas, your market, your competition, your different services, what you’ve tried, what’s worked, what hasn’t worked. And then we decide on the best strategy that’s best going to help you hit those numbers above.

Schedule a meeting

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